Migrasi Data Paradox ke PostgreSQL

Foto os

Database Paradox biasanya digunakan dalam Borland Delphi. Paradox tergolong database file, bukan database server. Setiap tabelnya tersimpan dalam file berakhiran .db. Bila Anda berniat melakukan migrasi ke PostgreSQL, berikut ini caranya.

Distro yang digunakan adalah Ubuntu 9.10.

# apt-get install php5-dev php-pear pxlib1-dev
# pecl channel-update pear.php.net
# pecl install paradox

Buat file /etc/php5/conf.d/paradox.ini yang berisi:


Simpan script berikut ini dalam paradox2sql.php:

Paradox to SQL Converter
(c)2007-2009 RAB
function ascii_only($s) {
  $r = "";
  for ($i=0; $i<=strlen($s); $i++) {
    $ch = $s[$i];
    $ascii = ord($ch);
    if ($ascii > 126 or $ascii < 32) {
      $ch = " ";
    $r .= $ch;
  return $r;
function fixfieldname($s) {
  $s = strtolower($s);
  $s = str_replace(' ','_', $s);
  $s = str_replace('#','',$s);
  if ($s == 'desc') {
      $s = 'description';
  return $s;
$filename = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$fp = fopen($filename, "r");
$pxdoc = new paradox_db();
if(!$pxdoc->open_fp($fp)) {
    die('Error opening ' . $filename);
/* Field structure */
$fieldCount = $pxdoc->numfields();
$fields = array();
$fieldtype = array();
$fieldnames = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$fieldCount; $i++) {
  $f = $pxdoc->get_field($i);
  if ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_ALPHA) {
    $type = "varchar(". $f['size'] . ")";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_DATE) {
    $type = "date";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_SHORT) {
    $type = "smallint";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_LONG) {
    $type = "integer";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_NUMBER) {
    $type = "float";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_LOGICAL) {
    $type = "boolean";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_TIMESTAMP) {
    $type = "timestamp";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_TIME) {
    $type = "time";
  } elseif ($f['type'] == PX_FIELD_AUTOINC) {
    $type = "serial";
  } else {
    print $filename . " unknown type\n";
  $fieldname = fixfieldname($f['name']);
  array_push($fieldnames, $fieldname);
  $field = $fieldname . " " . $type;
  array_push($fields, $field);
  $fieldtype[$fieldname] = $type;
/* Table structure */
$t = explode('/',$filename);
$t = explode('.', $t[count($t)-1]);
$tablename = strtolower($t[0]);
$sql = "CREATE TABLE " . $tablename . "(\n" .
  implode($fields,",\n") . "\n);";
/* Primary key */
$info = pathinfo($filename);
if ($info['extension'] == 'DB') {
    $px = 'PX';
} else {
    $px = 'px';
$filekey = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename)-strlen($info['extension'])) . $px;
$keys = array();
if (file_exists($filekey)) {
    $fk = fopen($filekey, "r");
    $pxkey = new paradox_db();
    if(!$pxkey->open_fp($fk)) {
        die('Error opening ' . $filekey);
    $keycount = $pxkey->numfields();
    for ($i=0; $i<$keycount; $i++) {
        array_push($keys, $fieldnames[$i]);
/* Records */
$sql .= "\nCOPY $tablename FROM stdin;";
$recordCount = $pxdoc->numrecords();
$px = px_new();
for ($i=0; $i<$recordCount; $i++) {
  $r = $pxdoc->retrieve_record($i);
  $fields = array();
  foreach($r as $fieldname=>$value) {
    $fieldname = fixfieldname($fieldname);
    if ($fieldtype[$fieldname] == 'date') {
        if ($value == '') {
            $value = "\\N";
        } else {
            $value = px_date2string($px, $value, "Y/n/d");
            preg_match('/([\d]*)\/([\d]*)\/([\d]*)/', $value, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
            if ($match[0][0] != $value) {
                $value = "\\N";
    } elseif ($fieldtype[$fieldname] == 'timestamp') {
        if ($value <= 0) {
            $value = "\\N";
        } else {
            $v = px_timestamp2string($px, $value, "Y/n/d H:i:s");
            preg_match('/([\d]*)\/([\d]*)\/([\d]*) ([\d]*):([\d]*):([\d]*)/', $value, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
            if ($match[0][0] != $value) {
                $value = "\\N";
    } else {
        $value = trim(ascii_only($value . ""));
        if ($value == '') {
            if (! in_array($fieldname, $keys)) {
                $value = "\\N";
    array_push($fields, $value);
  $sql .= "\n" . implode($fields, "\t");
$sql .= "\n\\.\n";
/* Primary key */
$info = pathinfo($filename);
if ($info['extension'] == 'DB') {
    $px = 'PX';
} else {
    $px = 'px';
$filekey = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename)-strlen($info['extension'])) . $px;
if (! file_exists($filekey)) {
    print $sql;
$fk = fopen($filekey, "r");
$pxkey = new paradox_db();
if(!$pxkey->open_fp($fk)) {
    die('Error opening ' . $filekey);
$keycount = $pxkey->numfields();
$keys = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$keycount; $i++) {
    array_push($keys, $fieldnames[$i]);
$sql .= "\nALTER TABLE $tablename ADD PRIMARY KEY(" . implode($keys,",") . ");";
print $sql;


$ php paradox2sql.php mytable.db > mytable.sql

File-file Paradox biasanya tersimpan dalam sebuah direktori. Gunakanlah script paradox2sql.py berikut ini untuk migrasi direktori tersebut:

Paradox directory to SQL
(c)2009 RAB
import glob
import os
def run(s):
    print s
dirname = os.sys.argv[1]
files = glob.glob('%s/*.db' % dirname)
files += glob.glob('%s/*.DB' % dirname)
for source in files:
    target = source.lower().split('/')[-1][:-2] + 'sql'
    if os.path.exists(target):
    run('php db2sql.php %s > %s' % (source, target))

Contoh penggunaan:

$ python paradox2sql.py mydata

dimana mydata adalah direktori dimana file *.db Paradox tersimpan.

Untuk melakukan restore semua file sql di current directory, gunakan script sql2db.sh berikut ini:

for sql in `ls *.sql`; do
    echo $sql
    psql $1 -f $sql

Sebelum dijalankan, buatlah databasenya terlebih dahulu:

$ sudo su
# su postgres
$ createuser ilham
$ createdb -O ilham mydb
$ exit
# exit

Masih sebagai user ilham:

$ sh sql2db.sh mydb

Script juga tersedia dalam lampiran. Selamat mencoba.

paradox2sql.php.txt4.34 KB
paradox2sql.py.txt398 bita
sql2db.sh_.txt65 bita